lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009


Also see "Incredible Video of Huge Pyramid UFO Over Moscow"

On the morning of Dec. 9, 2009 there was an amazing "spiral UFO" seen in Norway (see "Videos of Bizarre 'Star Gate' Light Over Norway: Spiral UFO"). We found a video (below) of a virtually identical incident in China.

We also found a fascinating document (pdf) from the Foreign Technology Division (DoD)with the enticing title "First UFO Incident For Our Country," authored by Long Ruyi (translated to English by Randy Dorsey), stamped October 7, 1983. Source:

The document's subtitle is "UFO incident causes sensation throughout half of China." On page 1 of the document, it's written that "According to the Chinese Association for UFO Research, such a huge spiral UFO has occurred at least three times in the last four years over northwest China. During the inquiry into these matters, three viewpoints have been formed: 'the metor theory', 'the aircraft theory', and 'the flying saucer theory'." (Emphasis added)

Note, Dec. 10, 2009: The Wall Street Journal reported that "Russia admitted Thursday to another failed test of its much-touted Bulava intercontinental missile, after unusual lights were spotted from Norway across the border from the launch site." ... (Question: Why did Moscow initially deny that this was their missile?)


Otra luz como la de Noruega, pero ahora en Rusia (EN INGLES)

Hey, does this look vaguely familiar?


That is not a different view of the Norway spiral light; it was taken in Russia over a day later. It looks like the Russians are testing more rockets, and creating more lights in the sky.

Despite the lunacy involved with the last time we saw spirals in the sky, this picture is clearly of another Russian missile test. To recap: a weird spiral light thingy in the skies over Norway last week was caused by the sub-based rocket launch of a Bulava missile, a new system being tested by the Russians. The spiral(s) were due to the rocket spinning and venting some sort of gas, though the details are still being determined. It may have been done on purpose as part of a gyroscopic-stabilization move, or it may have been spinning out of control. The former would explain why the spiral is so beautifully symmetric.

This one wasn’t quite so well-formed, but is clearly the same thing. There’s video, too:

This new one was seen just a little over a day later inside Russia, and was from a Topol missile, the land-based version of the Bulava. According to space historian, NBC News consultant, and space folklore specialist James Oberg:

It was launched from the ‘Kapustin Yar’ missile range on the lower Volga, an old test range that goes back to the late 1940s. The missile impacted in
the Sary Shagan military reservation in eastern Kazakhstan. [...] Since the flight path was completely internal, no navigation warnings were issued.


TASS claims it hit the target, and you can see in the video there appears to be a spiral there too; that supports the idea the spiral was on purpose and may be part of the stabilization. Interesting. Note that in this second picture, you can see the spiral expanding from the inside out, again, like last time, exactly what you expect from material being spewed out from a rapidly rotating booster.

Another important thing to people like me, though, is that the cause of this is clearly a rocket — it fits what we know about how these things work, there are good explanations of it, and we even have a mea culpa from Russia. But if you read the comments from the Norway lights post I made, or really anywhere this was discussed on the web, you’ll find hordes of people making claims that are pretty silly at best.

I have no doubt this will continue with this new sighting, as well. After all, why make one interdimensional holographic portal from the future when you can make two?

It just goes to show you that this sort of non-rational thinking will be with us forever. It’s rather ironic to think that the reality of a complicated and advanced rocket system sparks retro-fantasies of UFOs. It makes me wonder if the captain of the first starship will carry a lucky rabbit’s foot along.

In reality, I know we can never stamp out such irrationality. All we can do is hope to minimize it. I can be satisfied with that.


Desastres ecologicos nos llevan de la mano al 2012

A veces me causa extrañeza leer comentarios en donde se habla de agendas secretas, conspiraciones gubernamentales, todo lo que sea con tal de eximirnos de la culpa por el calentamiento global.

Si bien es cierto que el sol en su actividad actual está generando un clima alocado, también es totalmente cierto que nosotros hemos contribuido a destruir la ecología.

Muchos -diría miles - lo ven así, y por eso han salido a protestar en las calles de Copenhague. Todo ello por la cumbre desarrollada en dicho país.

Entre 80.000 y 100.000 personas según los organizadores, 30.000 según la policía, recorrieron en una gélida tarde los cerca de 6 km que separan el centro de Copenhague de Bella Center, donde tiene lugar, hasta el 18 de diciembre, la conferencia de la ONU sobre el calentamiento global.

Pero dicha multitud no hizo gala de inteligencia: se dieron a la violencia, rompiendo con ladrillos cuanto veían a su paso en un claro signo de protesta.

Y es que saben que lo que se teje en la cumbre es burocracia de la peor. Pero dicha actitud ha sido perjudicial. Más de 600 fueron arrestados como vemos en la foto.

Ahora bien, en otro orden de hechos, al parecer la búsqueda de hidrocarburos en la zona de Italia llevó a un par de ballenas a las costas, desorientadas, donde murieron.

Un cachalote agoniza y seis han muerto en las proximidades de una playa de la región de Apulia, en el sureste de Italia.

Si bien todavía no se conocen las razones exactas, una teoría plausible es que se hayan desorientado por sonidos de muy elevada intensidad que les hicieron perder el rumbo, probablemente las actividades de búsqueda de hidrocarburos.

O quizá, como a alguno le parecerá, el sol sea el responsable, no los pobres humanos.


OVNI's grabados en México

El 12 de Diciembre (2009), precisamente el día de la celebración de la Virgen de Guadalupe (clic para ver), en la localidad de Tlalpan al sur del Distrito Federal de México un testigo logra grabar éstas impresionantes luces justo sobre el valle de Cuernavaca en el volcán Ajusco. El avistamiento pudo ser grabado en horas de la noche y en el minuto 4:31 es posible observa una inusual y extraordinaria exposión en el aire. Atención a los últimos minutos.
Observa el Video:


OVNI's grabados en Chile

Compartimos con Uds. éste video que se le hiciera llegar a Terra Chile sobre un avistamiento de OVNI's en la localidad de Providencia Chile. El Video fue grabado el pasado 9 de Diciembre (2009) a las 22 horas. Las imágenes fueron tomadas desde lo alto de un céntrico edificio y corresponden al parecer de varios objetos luminosos haciendo figuras extrañas en el cielo. El fenómeno se dió el mimso día del avistamiento del espiral en Noruega.
Observa el Video:
