sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

Urgente: Conferencia con el Disclosure Proyect Nov. 21 y 22

Transcribimos el suiguiente post de la página del Disclosure Proyect y Steven Greer, Conferencia el 21 y 22 de Noviembre (2009) en Arizona USA. (tradúcelo).In addition to the posted topics, Dr. Greer will be discussing his newly released letter to President Obama. Hear directly from Dr. Greer his thoughts about the implications of that letter and the information included in the full briefing, which was hand-delivered to many of the highest level individuals in this administration. They have the information - it is now time for them to act. Hear the details from Dr. Greer...some information will be presented as part of his keynote on Saturday night and even more will be discussed during his workshop on Sunday. Ojo la fecha y los expositores....¿Qué más hablarán ahí?
Links: www.disclosureproject.org , www.chetsnow.com
Informado: http://historiasextraterrestres.blogspot.com/

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